Final Years

Mom was still hale and hearty when we had her 90th birthday celebration in 2015.  Following a fall in 2016, she decided it was time to give up her house and move into a retirement community (Tallgrass Estates in Bartlesville).  She spent several pleasant years there and made many new friends.  In 2020, due no doubt to covid, her health began to rapidly decline.  In early 2021 we moved Mom to Diane's in San Antonio so Diane could take care of her.  In late 2021, Mom paid an extended visit to Charlene in Omaha.  It is good that Mom got to spend her final days in the company of friends and family.  We all owe Diane and Mark, especially, and Charlene and family a great debt of gratitude for taking such good care of Mom in the last year of her life.  Mom moved with Diane and Mark to their new home in Georgia in late 2021.  Mom passed away on February 19, 2022.  She is survived by her 4 children, 9 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild.  She was cremated and her ashes brought back to Bartlesville and inurned with our father on June 1, 2022 at the Methodist church columbarium.



90th Birthday Party and Family Reunion
The Happy Birthday Girl With her 4 children (L/R: Randy, Charlene, Diane, Allan) Group photo. Annotated: web page or picture
Her new home (~2016-2020) Enjoying a pleasant day outdoors at Tallgrass Estates Visiting Dad at the Methodist columbarium
5 Generations 93rd Birthday at Charlene's in Omaha 95th Birthday at Randy's in Smithville
Christmas in Valdosta, 2021  Holding her (then) newest great grandchild, Luna Marie One of her last formal photographs
Preparing for the inurnment service Her (and Dad's) final resting place Her four children saying farewell