Back East


After getting hitched, they continued to live in San Diego for a short period and then moved back east so my Dad could go to school at George Washington University.  The trip back east was a month long adventure - San Diego to Washington DC via Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and several other states whilst weaving in and out of Canada and visiting numerous friends. Upon arriving in Washington DC, Dad enrolled at the university.  With excellent references from California, Mom was immediately hired by the US Department of Education as secretary to the Chief of Exceptional Children and Youth, a position she held during their entire stay in Washington DC.  During their stay in the east, Mom had a chance to meet Dad's family who were located in the Philadelphia area.  Once my Dad had completed his education, they moved back to San Diego.  Mom says she always regretted not taking night classes while they were in DC.  Dad worked for Naval Intelligence, and Mom worked for the captain in charge of port control for the Navy.  At this point I came on the scene.  Once I arrived, Mom gave up work outside the home and concentrated on becoming the best mom ever!


Ah!  Cherry blossoms in the spring New York City




Back L/R:  Grandma Cowell, Aunt Frankie (Jack's wife), Aunt Gloria, Mom

Front L/R:  Uncle Casey, Grandpa Cowell, Dad, Uncle Jack, Cousin Ronnie

A new but fleeting friend Dad's Family
Milady your chariot awaits Space alien? Just happy