Wildlife Pix

Nucy (aka Nuisánce de Monie Pitt)

<<Nucy's also a musician and does local gigs on occasion.

Here she is playing Stealth Kitty.>>


<<A trio of robins that dropped by for a snack.

Truer words were never spoken!>>

Introducing the Babies -- Class of 2019!

<<In their traditional first home.  Notice "Mother" taped to the side of the tub.

After a week or so they move to the Chic Carlton.>>


<<Growing fast and about ready for the real world. 

As Juniors they're big enough to stay outside at the Rustic Roost .>>


<<All grown up and roaming with the rest of the flock.  From left:  Dotty (Barred Rock), Bonnie (Easter Egger), and Silvia (Silver Laced Wyandotte). >>