Christmas Report

Farm Report

 We currently have eight head of chicken.  Trish says that's too many.  Some of the old girls were supposed to die, but they stubbornly refuse to pass on!  Bumper crop of plums and blackberries this year.  The freezer is full. Hay crop was decent.  I still run the garden year around and am still eating fresh picked kale and spinach.

Construction Report

We've gone from construction to repair.  There's always something.

Music Report

We had quite a few pickings this year and some interesting rather different gigs.  We sang for our supper at a soup kitchen (we thought it prudent to remove songs like "Buddy Can You Spare a Dime?" from our repertoire). We played at the 100th anniversary of our local feed store --  and got nicely fed.  To name a few.   A few words about our band.  It's a pickup band made up of whoever is available at the moment and is rarely the same band twice.  We're searching for an appropriate name.  We've been going by "Free and Worth It" for several years but that's self defeating.   Who's going to want to pay?  I've been lobbying for "Box of Chocolates" but nobody seems to pick up on it.  How quickly they forget!

For the auditorially challenged, I've added a couple video clips to the Cacophony page.  As ususal, musicians will not want to go there.


Anyone passing this way is always welcome to drop in and sit a spell. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season and we wish you all the best for the coming year.