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Grand Old Cemetery Tour of 2019

Trish enjoys geneology.  One summer she tracked her lineage back as far as she could and discovered her 100th great grandfather might well be Charlemagne himself!

  Many of her ancestors settled in this general area so we occasionally like to take a jaunt and discover where there were buried.
This spring we did a tour of old cemeteries in the Jefferson City area where the French branch of her family settled.

<<Old Immaculate Conception Church  Cemetery in Loose Creek, MO.   >>


<<Old Immaculate Conception Church  Cemetery was a very large cemetery stretching over an entire hillside.

Visitation Cemetery in Vienna, MO.>>


<<Visitation Cemetary.

After the first two cemeteries, we started going back into the boonies.

Clifty Cemetery.>>


Then way back.

<<Jim Matt Lawson Cemetery, in The Sticks, MO.

Red Cemetery in Middle of Nowhere, MO.>>


Then way way .......way way back.

<<Duncan Cemetery in Way Past Nowhere, MO.>>

 Thank heavens for GPS.  We never would have found these places without it!


Ahhh..........Hawaii, the Garden Isle, paradise itself.

<<Doing the usual tourist things:  Water,



<<Most famous fruit,

An exciting helicopter ride,>>


<<And of course you've got to have a Hawaiian sunset.

Grand Canyon you ask?  Nope!  It's the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific," Waimea Canyon on Kauai.>>

Hermann Revisited

Hermann is wine country, lot's of vineyards (and a few distilleries as well).

<<Charming view of courtyard next door to  where Trish and Jami stayed.



<<Important information if you've had too much wine!

The highly polished copper domes of the county courthouse are very striking.>>