Welcome to the Third Millennium and

Cowell's Corner


"Are We Doomed?


United we stand divided we fall. -- ancient proverb
The truth shall set you free. -- Jesus

Donald Trump:  Public Enemy No. 1

Never give a sucker an even break. --W. C. Fields

New entries to the OED:

trirus : n. trirus (scientific name:  Trumpus stupicanous) is a very insidious and pernicious viral infection.  It is the greatest threat to public health and safety currently in America.  It has no known cure and a vaccine is desperately needed.  It turns its victims into trombies.

trombie: n.  A trombie is an otherwise normal, sensible, intelligent person who trirus has rendered brain-dead to all things negative regarding Trump:  It's all fake news and St. Donald can do no wrong.  "What, me worry?"

Recent events give one hope that trirus may be on the wane and at least some trombies are recovering.  However, a virus can go dormant, and come raging back at any opportune time; and the next bout of trirus might prove fatal.  That is why I still think Trump is the most dangerous man in America today.

Education:  You Get What You Pay (or don't Pay) For

"You get what you pay for" is one of the great American half-truths (i.e. it's also a half-lie).  The Truth:  you always get what you pay for.  The Lie:  The implied what you pay for is quality.  In reality you often pay for everything but quality (i.e. expensive salaries, commissions, advertizing, etc.).

Conversly, you also "don't get what you don't pay for."  If you don't pay for efficient effective education, you don't get adults who can think clearly, read critically, and analyze facts logically.  Rather, you get adults who believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Donald Trump.

You also get adults who don't appreciate that cause and effect don't necessarily happen together.  There is often a time lag between the two.  Current administrations often get blamed (and sometimes get the credit) for things that previous administrations started.

Republican trombies (yes, I appreciate that I am being redundant) screamingly blame Biden for inflation.  But--it was Trump who adamantly drove interest rates to near zero.  (Hell, he even wanted negative interest rates.)  What's the well known danger of driving interest rates to zero?  Runaway inflation. 

I also hold Trump responsible for the war in Ukraine.  He made it obvious that he and Vlad were best buds.  So who can blame Putin for thinking he could take back Ukraine (a nation of immense resources) and the US would do nothing?  I'm sure Putin was shocked when, despite Russia's best efforts, Trump lost in 2020.   But plans had already been made, and Putin couldn't abandon them without losing face.  Bad Vlad, poor Ukraine.

Donald Trump, the "gift" that keeps on giving.  We will be paying for Trump's legacy for a long time to come.

~~To Be Continued Next Year!~~



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