C&W History Project

Slide ConversionsScanned PicturesDocuments



Dad's Prayers 2000 The first collection of Dad's prayers, published in 2000. (Main text:  14 pt. Bookman Old Style, single spaced.)
Dad's Prayers 2004 The second collection of Dad's prayers, published in 2004.  (Main text:  14 pt. Bookman Old Style, single spaced.)
Dad's Memoirs
Dad's Memoirs published around 2005?  Also included:  "A note of Appreciation For My Wonderful family" as a preface, a table of contents, and both a picture and a plain title page.  The title pages are numbered (I couldn't get rid of them.)
Cowell-Wolfe Family Tree

Gerold Family Tree

Mom's hand written diagram of the Cowell and Wolfe family trees.  Also her hand written copy of more details of the Gerold family tree.
Family Trees




All 3 Combined

Cowell and Wolfe.aq

Cowell and Wolfe.ged

Printed version of Mom's Cowell-Wolfe family tree with updates by Me, Diane, and Cousin Mike.  Cowell side, Wolfe side, Cowell-Wolfe descendants, and all three combined.  Diane has been putting the family info into a data base:  Cowell and Wolfe.aq, but you'll need Family Tree Maker or some other program that can read .aq files to use it.  The .ged is a more universal format supported by many family tree programs both on and off-line.
Mom's Bio

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A short bio of Mom's life (with focus on her early years before I came along) done for her 90th birthday.  View it on-line, or download the zip file.  Larger versions of the pix in her bio or available in the big pix zip.