DumpTrump Pix and Commentary

DumpTrump Cartoons, Pix, and Commentary

Perhaps not totally appropos for a Christmas page, but considering Trump's to blame for me having very few music or travel pix this year, it seems justified!  Pix and comments are from various sources.


trirus: n. trirus is a very insidious and pernicious viral infection. Scientific name- Trumpus stupicanous. Greatest threat to public health and safety currently in America. No known cure. Vaccine desperately needed. Turns its victims into trombies.

trombie: n. A trombie is an otherwise normal, sensible, intelligent person who trirus has rendered brain-dead to all things negative regarding Trump. Despite decades of reports of spectacular bankruptcies, unpaid bills, fraud, lawsuits, (hell-he's even lampooned in Doonesbury!) and endless video clips depicting his crude, lewd, rude, and generally outrageous behavior --- Trombies remain unshakably convinced that it's all fake news and St. Donald can do no wrong. What, me worry?

Worth noting: For someone who claims to be s-o-o-o-o-o smart, and be such an astute and shrewd judge of character, I'll bet Trump changes his top advisors more frequently than his underwear!>>



You can always tell a Republican,
but you can't tell him much.
This makes Trump a Republicans' Republican.
You can't tell him anything.
He already knows it all.
For Trump, ignorance is truly bliss!
[Given the continuing covid crisis and all the controversy about masks, this cartoon seems eerily prophetic!]

 Have the Reds got you seeing orange??>>




If you believe that, then you will probably vote for Trump.

Today is the 82nd anniversary of the infamous "War of the Worlds" broadcast in which listeners were told that the Martians had landed. Reportedly, mass panic ensued and millions were terrified. I have read that it may have been the original fake news story, twofold. First, the broadcast was a "hoax", a Halloween prank, not to be taken seriously, and relatively few people did. Second, the media, seeing the potential for a great Halloween story, reported mass hysteria, and millions fleeing for their lives --fearing the end of the world had come. That was the real fake news.

Reminds me of Trump's 2016 campaign. He took a fear harbored by some, that America is slipping, and blew it all out of proportion. Using the most disgusting campaing slogan ever, "Make America Great Again," he managed to convince half the country that America had gone down the tubes and he was the one to save it. I can't believe that every red-blooded American didn't react by saying, "Again?? Again!! Listen you low life loser, WE ARE STILL GREAT. Take your insulting slogan and shove it up your ass, Donny-boy." We blue-bloods might have made the same point, just a bit more politely ;-)

 I can really empathize with how the intelligensia of 1930s Germany must have felt, watching in horror and disbelief, as their country fell sway to the siren song of a grotesque Svengali. We all know how that worked out for them.>>


<<Have you seen the latest "Twins" reboot? Can't miss it, it's playing all over the country. Interesting plot twist: this time it's Big Twin that's the low-life scumbag!

AS YE SOW, SO SHALL YE REAP (or something like that) For generations we have sown far too little to educate our children properly. Our harvest is a population that elects a Donald Trump.

 Educational deficiency causes a disease known as AIS (Arrogance-Ignorance-Stupidity). It is pandemic among our nations leaders; countless mayors, governors, members of Congress, and worst of all - Donald Trump - are afflicted.

 Due to educational deficiency, half of our population cannot distinguish fact from fiction or reality from fantasy, and still believes in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and that Donald Trump is a wonderful president.

 If you don't sow good seed, you reap weeds. Lord save us from ourselves.>>


<<With the pandemic still raging strong, Trump decides to hold a big indoor campaign rally in Tulsa.>>


<<No shit!!  Truer words were never spoken.

We can only hope!>>




More truer words!>>