Christmas Report

Farm Report

 We currently have six head of chicken.  We'll probably get more in the spring.  Lots of blackberries this year.  Hay crop was decent.  I still run the garden year around and am still eating fresh picked kale and spinach.

Construction Report

We've gone from construction to repair.  There's always something.

Music Report

We had a very pleasant picking on New Year's day.  We had a couple more pickings in January and early Februrary and then covid killed the music for the rest of the year.

In March, just days before things started shutting down, Trish took an offer to buy an additional bass. It's one that she had admired for years and had told the owner to “let me know if you ever decide to sell it.” Well, the owner called, made the offer, and Trish jumped on it. The only problem is she hasn't had a place to go to show it off.

I've added a couple of DumpTrump video clips to the Cacophony page.  Unfortunately, they are as apropos now as when I wrote/recorded them several months ago.  Warning -- it's definitely not the music it's the message!


Anyone passing this way is always welcome to drop in and sit a spell. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season and we wish you all the best for the coming year.