Travel Pix

In June, Trish went with her niece, Amy, and Amy's two kids, Jack and Siena, for a National Geographic Family Adventure to Scotland. They arrived a couple of days before the actual group tour started so they could recover from jet lag and take in the sites of Edinburgh. After the Scotland Adventure, they went to London for a few days. To say it was the trip of a lifetime is an understatement. Photos don't do it justice.

<<Tour map.



In front of the Principal Hotel in Edinburgh with her grand niece and nephew.>>


<<Riding atop a double decker tour bus in Edinburgh.


View from the top along the Royal Mile.>>




<<If you go to Scotland, you've got to have a picture of the pipes.


And a good beer to go with it!>>




<<Highland show in Pitlochry.


Loch Tay Canoe trip.>>



<<View from the Harry Potter train.


Kayaks at Sound of Arisiag.>>

Trish and I were video messaging while she was partaking of the Mash.  She wanted to throw the bottle away.  I told her she had to bring it back.  You all know why! 


<<Loch Ness Monster(s)? ;-)


Monster Mash.  Wish she could have brought the bottle back full!>>

In London

Trish really enjoyed touring through Selfridges department store.  If you are a Masterpiece Theater fan, you may have seen the series on the rise and fall of Mr. Selfridge.  It ran for three seasons.


<< The Tower Bridge.


Standing in front of Selfridges.>>



<<Apollo Victoria theater where they went to see "Wicked."


Somebody had to stay home and take care of the cat and chickens.>>


In October, Trish and went on what is becoming a yearly “Thelma and Louise” trip. This year's jaunt was to Hot Springs, AR—the long way. The trip was a little early for the trees' leaves to be changing, but a great time was had by both girls.



<<Talimena Drive map.


View from the top.>>



<<Hot Springs' hot baths.


A grand hotel.>>

The Talimena Drive is a regionally famous excursion noted for spectacular fall foliage.  Unfortunately, Trish and Jami were a bit early :-(


<<Honesty, what a concept!>


Drive.  >>

My Travels

First I went to Omaha for my nephew Zack's wedding, where we learned my mother is now a great great grandmother to be.  Then I went to my brother Randy's (just north of Kansas City, and in the zone of totality) to see the eclipse,  Later, I took my mother up to Randy's for her 92nd birthday bash.


<<Four generations .

Five generations.  Left:  with grandson.  Right:  with grand daughter-in-law.  Great great grandbaby is shy and hiding under great grand daughter's hand.>>



<<My picture of the Great Eclipse of 2017 :-(


My mother, hale and hearty at 92!>>



<<With her four children.


And a pair of great grandchildren.>>