Landscape Pix

A bit of local color -- The long awaited opening of the Mercantile:  the Pioneer Woman's restaurant/deli, bakery, and gift shop in downtown Pawhuska.  The grand opening was on Halloween.  Many are hoping that it will lead to a Pawhuska Renaissance.  When the weather's nice, long lines still form to get into the deli, and sometimes the gift shop as well.  Trish says it's also increased traffic to the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.

<<.A bit of early spring time color.>>






A colorful local character, Nucy!>>



<<Opening day at the Mercantile.  You had to get up real early to beat the crowds!


Inside the store.>>



<<Outside the Mercantile late in the day after the crowds have dispersed.

The Pioneer  Woman herself.  Almost a neighbor, perhaps 20 miles as the crow flies.>>



<<My garden pretty much runs year around.  Greens and root crops are fairly winter hardy.  But when the temperature drops below 0°, they appreciate a little help.