Wildlife Pix

At one and a half, Nuisánce de Monie Pitt is now a big girl and officially all grown up.


It always amazes me how she can get down a 12' aluminum ladder.  Hard slippery surface, nothing to sink her claws into.  Where there's a will there's a way.  The attic is her favorite hideout.>>


<<Do you mind?  I'm trying to sleep.

We have coverings over the furniture to protect from cat hair etc.  So what does she do?>>



<<Not a bad life for an abandoned foundling who was rescued to be a barn cat.

Nucy and the chickens tolerate each other but they are not friends!>>



<<Occasionally one of the chickens' cousins comes over to visit.  We are often entertained with calls of the jungle.

The Easter Eggers:  Bunny, Lily, and Darla - fresh off the truck.>>


<<Bunny, Lily, and Darla are now all grown up and part of the flock.

Trish has been giving their green eggs away as Christmas presents.>>