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Introducing the Babies!  Their baby names were Zero, One, and Two (Trish could tell them apart by the number of spots on their beaks.)  Their adult names are Zerina,  One-da, and Twosday.  Read more of their exciting story at  Lola's Letters!

<<The babies are here!


In their first home -- the washtub.>>



<<Their first outing into the real world --

and into spacious new quarters at the Chick Chalet.>>



<<Grown into healthy Juniors, they now live outdoors in their baby house and playpen.  They still get TLC from Trish.

Just about fully grown and ready to join the big girls.>>



<<It's time to close the baby house so they can move into their permanent home.  Zerina says, "Hey, what's the deal?" 

One-da and Twosday checking out the Big House.>>



<<What attractive hens they've all blossomed into.

One big happy family --
 sort of ;-)



<<Talk about being in a (potential) hot seat.  I wonder if Mama Phoebe had any idea?>>




<<I didn't have the equipment to do the BBB invasion justice. 

This is but a shadow of the real thing.>>