Things that Suck Redux


I could write a book(s) but I'll keep it short,  and (hopefully) offer a few nuggets to whet the thoughts of inquiring minds.



Lord save us from the liberal bleeding heart do-gooders who are so addicted to their short term buzz of self righteousness that they can't be bothered to see the Big Picture and realize the long term damage they are doing. 


Immigration Sucks -- It's Time to SIN!
(Stop Immigration Now)

I'm convinced that stopping immigration (and also those seeking refuge) entirely is the best policy for the long term health of this country and the world. 

This country:  First, we don't need immigrants.  We're underutilizing many of our own citizens.  Fix that first.  Next, immigrants may be decreasing the general public good, i.e. they're costing us a lot more than the work we get out of them.  (Yes, this is difficult to accurately gauge.)  Finally, we need to properly assimilate the legal immigrants that are already here.  I hate to sound Borg-like but that is the essence of the melting pot:  assimilate, blend into the pot, become truly American.   We've got a bunch of liberals pushing the salad bowl concept of immigration:  no need to change (at all),  keep your old ways, who cares who your first allegiance is to; go ahead and poach this country rather then become part of it.  This would be an extremely dangerous change.  In its early years, America was a salad bowl.  This led directly to the American Civil War;  the bloodiest, costliest, most destructive, and divisive war in our nation's history.

The world:  Immigration solves nothing.  It simply allows a bunch of gutless, spineless politicians to kick the can down the road.  Rather than accepting immigrants, the civilized nations of this earth need to band together and force these "shithole" nations to end the practices that force people to emigrate in order to find a better life or flee because they are in fear of their lives.

So -- to solve the immigration problem (as well as many others) we need some form of effective world government.  What form of world government might actually work?  For grins, let's speculate a bit about democracy.


"Democracy Sucks" -- Winston Churchill

Let's face it:  There are many problems with democracy.  It is slow, cumbersome, inefficient, often ineffective, and when damn fools (and others of that ilk) are allowed to vote, it can be downright dangerous.  Like any form of government, it can be corrupted, twisted, and manipulated by the nefarious to achieve their own ends.  As Winston said, democracy's only saving grace is that it's better than the other other forms of government we've tried.

So -- assuming that democracy is the least of the many governmental evils -- in trying to form a world democracy,  two big questions will arise immediately:  who (or what) should have the right to vote and, should all votes be equal?  Recall, in the United Nations, each country gets one vote but some votes count a whole lot more than others.  In the U.S., some votes definitely count more than others.

It'll be the same battle that the framers of our constitution faced.  (People-wise) small nations will want 1 nation 1 vote.  Large nations will want 1 person 1 vote.  Medium sized well developed nations will want their vote(s) appropriately weighted to reflect their importance in the world.  It will be very very difficult to reach a common accord.  But what's the alternative?  All the alternatives I can envision have us eventually blowing ourselves back to the Stone Age (or worse).

Democracy is not a simple concept.  There are an infinite number of ways it could be implemented.  It's worth taking pause to reflect.