Christmas Letter 2023

I admit it, I'm a grinch. I shake my head at Christmas Inc. and mutter what nonsense. An entire economy dependent on the proper Practice of Christmas. Soulless shills exorting people to shell out money they don't have to buy gifts that nobody really needs, let alone wants or can even use. It doesn't matter, just spend, spend, spend. It's the thought that counts. Let me further express my sentiments in a parody I penned years ago. It's to the tune of "Love is all Around." With apologies to the Troggs--


Christmas is All Around

It slipped right through my fingers,
All the money I did blow.
Christmas is all around me,
And so the spending grows.
It's shilling in the wind,
It's everywhere I go.
So if you really love Christmas,
C'mon and shell out all your dough.


You know I love Christmas
I always will,
I dig me deep in debt
To score the next great deal.
There's no beginning
There'll be no end
Cuz on Christmas, You've got to spend!

  I count those little reindeer,
As I lay on my bed.
I kind of get to thinking,
What it's like to drive his sled.
You gave your presents to me,
And I gave mine to you.
I need Santa to bring me,         
Everything I want for you


I hate to think of New Year,
When all those bills come due.
Where will I get the money,
For everything I spent on you.
My checks are getting bouncy,
My wallet's thin as it can be.
I blame it all on Santa,
I guess he is bad company!


Don't forget to visit the Christmas Report and Pix pages and please  sign our guestbook before you leave.  And -- above all -- have a Merry Christmas.

General and Travelog Report

It's been a pretty uneventful year, just soso, sitting around watching the grass grow. Due to lack of rain, we had to watch real close, which required lots of patience, which required lots of beer.

The only traveling I did was to pickings, a few festivals, and as Trish's roadie on her gigs. Trish did her usual Jami jaunts. In the spring, an encore visit to Shangri-La. In the fall, they toured the Guthrie Wine and Craft Festival.

While in Guthrie, Trish visited the Elmer McCurdy memorial. Elmer was a really bad outlaw. Bad in the sense that he was terribly incompetent in his craft. To make a long story short, his corpse wound up in a carnival freak show and his show biz career spanned decades. He's been the subject of numerous articles, documentaries, and a song written by Trish's friend Maggie. Trish was duly reverent at the grave site.

Farm Report

 We'd been running an avian retirement home, but now we are down to four head of chicken. We lost four this year. The two eldest we expected to go at any time. But we also lost two of the youngest, which was a surprise. We'll be getting more chicks in the spring.

We had a poor blackberry crop this year so we will be on blackberry rationing until next summer. We had a good hay crop, the best in years. The garden was a mixed bag, some crops did very well, others were bloom and bust, and others never really even got started. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to it.

Construction Report

We've gone from construction to repair.  There's always something.

Music Report

Trish continues to get occasional gigs with several local groups. We went to a few festivals and continue to attend picking sessions when they arise.

Anyone passing this way is always welcome to drop in and sit a spell. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season and we wish you all the best for the coming year.