Christmas Letter 2006

Well--the house building continues. A never ending struggle against the forces of evil, despair, desperation, and even at times, hopelessness. And then finally an acceptance of Fate, what will be will be. It's been another year of dust, dirt, debris, and more dust. Fine white powder constantly raining down on every nook and cranny and penetrating every orifice. I just hope I live long enough to see it finished. Then as they say, I can die happy. Trish has been marvelously patient through all of this. I owe her a deep debt of gratitude.

After hearing about it for years, some friends invited us to attend the infamous Pawhuska Biker Weekend with them this spring. Very interesting. Sort of like being in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

My folks had their 60th wedding anniversary this year. That's a milestone.

Summer was brutal-- very hot and very dry. Our pond's but a ghost of former self
Fall was gorgeous this year -- a blaze of color. Perhaps the prettiest one I've seen yet. Even the scrub oak took on various hues of red instead of going straight to the usual dull brown.

My little brother volunteered to go to Iraq. Hopefully his silver wings will keep him high, dry, and out of harms way.

On August 24 we celebrated the first anniversary of liberation day--the day we sold our house in Bartlesville and moved permanently to Pawhuska. Hard to believe it's been over a year.

Had an early snow again this year. The blizzard of the century they're calling it ;-) We got about 10". Other folks got more. Some roads were terrible-- the worst I've ever driven on. But snow never hangs around. In all the years I've lived in Oklahoma I'm not sure I've ever had a white Christmas.

As usual, our main source of entertainment is picking and performing. We went to several music festivals and played numerous gigs with our various bands.

We hope you all are doing well. We wish you Merry Christmas, a joyous Holiday Season, and all the best for the coming year.

Farm Report

Didn't do much on the farm this year except build the house and a few of the other usual things. Enjoy occasional wildlife. Suffer pillagement by same. The bluebirds continue to do well and prosper. Couldn't get rid of a troublesome sparrow. Tried a pellet gun, no luck. If he comes back we'll be waiting with shotguns. Saw our first skunk. That was exciting both visually and olfactorily. Something (deer?) is eating -down to the nub- the lovely holly we had high hopes for. I may start hunting again. Baled some hay. Watched our pond slowly revert to a mud hole. Had to survive on only one garden this year. It's down at Trish's Mom's. I long for the day when I finally get a garden in up here. Trish continues to work on her rock garden and landscaping projects. It can be rough, between hungry wildlife and merciless weather it's tough to get anything to grow but scrub oak. Prayed for rain and were generally disappointed. Etc.

Construction Report

We started the year with a marvelously open floor plan. Could hear from one of the house to the other. Never had to raise a voice. Now it's all closed in. Feels downright claustrophobic. Interior walls are highly over rated.

Music Report

Our music ensemble - Pocket Change - really hit the big time this year achieving national and even international recognition ;-) We played on stage at the prestigious Winfield Music Festival, the renowned International Mozart Festival, and the nascently fantabulous Skiatook Invitational. However-don't worry-we're still the same old us. Success has not gone to our heads and we still do local gigs as well.  I even got my personal 15 minutes of fame playing a half hour of comedy songs on the coveted Cottonwood stage at Guthrie International as T&A with Gerry Lay featuring yours truly.

Trish is much in demand as a bass player. Playing with the likes of the famous/infamous Monroe Sisters of which she is, IMHO, the standout star. The truly infamous KC and the Grassholes. and such luminaries -or not- as Chase Foster and the Oklahoma Swing, James Hager and the Horribles, and Jack Gideon and Country Jam/Acousticrats/Sage/etc. (Jack seems to change names often-- perhaps to keep one step ahead of the law?)

Anyone passing this way is always welcome to drop in and sit a spell. Hope you all have a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season and we wish you all the best for the coming year.